
Saturday, March 6, 2021

4mm Kidney Stone

 My urologist does an annual X-ray for stones.  This time it shows a 4mm stone so I am taking Flomax to encourage it to leave under its own power.  From what I have read Flomax is only statistically significantly better than placebo in the 5mm-8mm size, because <5mm stones usually pass without help.  The ureter inside diameter is 6-8mm so this should pass easily.


  1. Best wishes Clayton for a quick resolution.

    Drink more water to prevent stones from forming. The extra water helps to flush out the minerals that tend to crystallize into stones.

    Living in the country you're probably on a well rather than city water. Ever had a thorough analysis of your well water done especially to test for mineral content? Not sure it matters but to be safe I don't drink my well water. Besides the flat taste it has a high mineral content.

    1. Well water. Never had it tested. We have something called a water conditioner although how it differs from a water softener is unclear. I am told uranium is the big problem here.
