
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Save the Date

Feb. 4, 6-8pm, Cinder Winery, 107 E 44th St, Garden City, ID 83714.

KBSU is having a town hall discussion of gun control with me and Rep. Melissa Wintrow, a member of Moms Demand Action.  (We demand action, too, but not the same action.)

It should be obvious: open carry or camo are bad optics.  Hope you are there o cheer me on and ask probing but polite questions.


  1. Will make every attempt to be there. Too bad it's not on a different day though because Trump's state of the Union will start at 19:00 that day (assuming he wasn't impeached or Nasty Nancy bars him----rolling eyes).

  2. We'll be there. Thanks for representing us.
