
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

No, Radio Shack Stores Still Exist

I was in Vale, Oregon a few weeks ago to renew my Oregon Concealed Handgun License and found this store:

It was not a leftover sign:


  1. Yep, they are franchise operations.

  2. There's also a dealer near me, that unfortunately has the radio-shack stock messily mixed in with the rest of their hardware-store stock, and doesn't have the drawers/bins of electronics parts.

    They only have old stock, and an odd selection at that.

    The ~700? some independent dealers weren't affected by the bankruptcy except that is kind of messed up distribution and restocking for a while. I've seen reports of brand-new locations opening post Bankruptcy, as the dealers were in the past geo-restricted by the presence of company stores, but now that there are no company stores that isn't an issue for expansion.
