
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Glad to See The Transitioning Was Going So Well

Because in a narrow minded transphobic society, this kid might have done something antisocial.  5/8/19 Denver Channel:
Authorities have not identified the juvenile suspect, saying only she was female. Sources told Denver7 late Tuesday that the juvenile suspect is in the process of transitioning from female to male. She also appeared in court Wednesday.
5/8/19 Daily Beast:
Police took into custody two suspects at STEM School Highland Ranch outside Denver, Colorado: 18-year-old Devon Erickson and a younger student whom police said they initially misidentified as a boy but later realized was a girl.
“It was a very confusing situation,” Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock said at an early Wednesday morning press conference. “We originally thought the juvenile was a male by appearance.”...
Denver7 News posted an image of a car being towed from Erickson’s home that had “FUCK SOCIETY” painted on its side. A local reporter also said it had “666” and what looked like a pentagram on the hood. Spurlock declined to comment. 
An obvious Trump supporter and evangelical Christian!

Worse, the Democrats did their usual dancing in blood in response and the students responded.  5/9/19 New York Post:
Survivors of a Colorado school shooting walked out of a vigil for their slain classmate Wednesday night in protest of politicians and other groups using it as a platform for gun control, a local report said.
The students from STEM High School, where two gunmen killed a student and wounded eight others Tuesday, began yelling from the stands that they “wanted to be heard” after two politicians and pro-gun control advocates addressed the crowd, according to the local NBC affiliate, KUSA.
They then stormed out of the vigil after Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and Democratic Congressman Jason Crow addressed the crowd, the Denver Post reported.
The kids chanted “Mental health” and hurled expletives at the media, according to the report.


  1. Just wait until someone gets mad at the newspaper for "misgendering"

  2. Wouldn't you think the Leftists in the media would stop trans-shaming this boy by repeatedly saying "She is transitioning to a male."? "She" must already be identifying as a male, else "she" would not be transitioning.
    What is the Leftist Media (but I repeat myself) doing acting like a bunch of evil cisgendered transphobic conservatives?
    These are the Crazy Years.
