
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Yes, This is About Immigrants

Just not the ones that you think about.  12/28/18 KRCR:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A suspected drunk driver accused of fatally shooting the California police officer who pulled him over was captured Friday as he tried to flee back to Mexico, where he lived before illegally crossing into the U.S., authorities said.

The sheriff whose agency was leading the investigation blamed California's sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Gustavo Perez Arriaga's previous arrests to federal immigration officials. If the suspect had been deported, he said, Cpl. Ronil Singh of the tiny Newman Police Department would still be alive....
Authorities also arrested five other people, including the suspect's brother, 25-year-old Adrian Virgen, and a co-worker, 32-year-old Erik Razo Quiroz, who lied to police to try to protect him, Christianson said. He said both men were also in the country illegally.
"Ronil Singh"?  That sure is a "furriner" name. 
Singh, 33, was an immigrant too, arriving legally from his native Fiji to fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer, authorities said. He had a newborn son and joined the 12-officer Newman police force in 2011.
That is what he did wrong: "legally."


  1. Clayton,

    Please do not surrender the language.

    Immigration is only that which is accomplished legally; there is no such thing as an "illegal (or undocumented) immigrant".

    1. There are legal immigrants i.e., naturalized citizens.

    2. There are legal resident aliens. (The term is applied in three different manners; Permanent Resident, Conditional Resident, and Returning Resident.)

    3. There are illegal aliens.

    The murderer is an illegal alien.

  2. Actually immigrant has no denotation or connotation of legality. Immigrant species to the New World (pigs, horses, cattle) had no visas. That the left is horrified by the term "illegal immigrant" shows that they know this.

  3. The terms illegal alien and resident alien that I provided above are used by U.S. Law, including the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, as well as the Internal Revenue Service, and in case law.

    "Federal district court Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas dealt with this specific issue when he issued a preliminary injunction on Feb. 16, 2015, against President Barack Obama’s immigration amnesty plan: "The Court uses this term because it is the term used by the Supreme Court in its latest pronouncement pertaining to this area of the law. See Arizona v. United States, 132 S. Ct. 2492 (2012)."
