
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Gun Control 1874 Style

Gibson Co., Tenn. (1874)
8/26/1874: Sixteen men were arrested for threatening “to arm themselves to resist the Ku Klux.”  A masked mob removed them from the jail, “murdered four of them, mortally maimed two, and removed the other ten, of whom nothing has been heard….”
Category: lynching
Suicide: no
Cause: terrorism
Weapon: unknown[1]

[1] “Mass Meeting Tonight,” [Memphis, Tenn.] Aug. 28, 1874, 3 (quoting the governor’s proclamation about this incident); “The Gibson County Horror,” Jackson [Ohio] Standard, Sep. 10, 1874, 1.


  1. Do you have a link that isn't a file on your C drive?

  2. Sorry, just noticed that the footnotes seems like a reference to my hard drive. I will start including links to the newspaper.
