
Friday, September 14, 2018

Why Do You Have Your Kids in Public Schools?

9/13/18 New Jersey Herald:
VERNON -- On a day of mourning for the 3,000 people killed on Sept, 11, 2001, by Islamic terrorists inspired by Osama bin Laden, a middle school social studies teacher allegedly decided to skip that part of the discussion Tuesday and instead teach a fictionalized account of a Muslim boy being picked on because his name is Osama.
School officials thus far have been mostly mum on the matter beyond acknowledging that it was brought to their attention and dealt with internally, but one couple told the New Jersey Herald Wednesday that they are outraged and have since had their daughter pulled out of that teacher's class.
Ed O'Rourke, a former Marine, said he and his wife, Jodi, found out about it almost by accident while having dinner with their daughter, who is in sixth grade, Tuesday evening.
"I thought it was a joke at first," Ed O'Rourke said. "I couldn't believe it."
The story that the teacher had her students read, titled "My Name is Osama," tells a made-up account of an Iraqi immigrant boy named Osama who faces taunts of "terrorist" in school by several students who tell him his mother, who wears a hijab, has "a bag on her head." After pushing back against his tormenters, the boy is suspended from school for fighting.
The story included no mention of the ideology behind those who carried out the 9/11 attacks, which O'Rourke said should have been a part of the class discussion as well.
"It would be like, on a day about the Holocaust, doing a made-up lesson about a boy named Adolf being bullied by Jewish kids and saying we shouldn't blame all Germans -- or don't pick on the poor kid named Adolf on the Jewish holidays," O'Rourke said. "It's grotesque."
Does the left wonder why so many people home school?  I am not entirely thrilled with what I sometimes see of home schooling, but the worst ideological and theological excesses I see are pretty mild compared to this.

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