
Friday, September 14, 2018

Hazards of Affirmative Action

9/6/18 Fox News:
The former Minneapolis police officer charged in the shooting death of Justine Ruszczyk Damond once put a gun to a driver’s head during a traffic stop and sometimes ignored calls, according to court filings indicating that psychiatrists and training officers voiced concerns about his fitness for duty.
The revelations surfaced after defense attorneys filed a motion Wednesday seeking to dismiss murder and manslaughter charges against Mohamed Noor, who is accused of shooting Damond in July 2017 after she dialed 911 to report a possible assault.
In a response filed Wednesday, Hennepin County prosecutors said Noor was flagged by two psychiatrists during a pre-hiring evaluation in early 2015. The psychiatrists said he seemed unable to handle the stress of regular police work and exhibited an unwillingness to deal with people.
The psychiatric evaluation said Noor was more likely than other candidates to become impatient with others over minor infractions, have trouble getting along with others, to be more demanding and to have a limited social support network. The psychiatrists said he "reported disliking people and being around them."
Hey, but we hired a Muslim policeman!  It's all good!


  1. And got rid of a Becky in the bargain. Since their control the media has allowed them to memory hole the murder, it's a win either way.

  2. Yeah, this is a small victory in the White Genocide campaign. Way to go Mohammed!!
