
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Vacation Plans

We were planning a vacation to White Sands National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns this summer.  Because I am flying to San Antonio in September for the Texas Bar Association Firearms Law Seminar, we are thinking of flying to San Antonio, driving to White Sands and Carlsbad Caverns then flying home from Albuquerque.  If they don't have a problem paying for a very strange round trip, this gives us a nice vacation at half the airfare in a better season.

Whoops, had not realized how hideously expensive one way car rental fees have become.  Actually, no, I just was not adding up how many days I was requesting a quote on.


  1. While you are in Albuquerque you might visit the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.

  2. Be sure to stop in at the WSMR HQ to visit the rocket display. There's a whole building dedicated to the V2. On your way north drive up the east side of the range and visit the Valley if Fires Rec. area near Carridoso. It's too bad you cannot get to Trinity Site since it is open to the public only one day a year.

  3. I agree with James Gibson. That museum is a must see. My father worked on the design of some of the "gadgets" there - while he was at Sandia Base, which is now Sandia Labs and is just down the street.

    Also, if you get a chance, take the Sandia Tram up to the south peak of the Sandia Mountains.
