
Thursday, October 12, 2017

You May Possess But Not Buy Them

TEIXEIRA v. County of Alameda (9th Cir. 2017)En banc decision overturning a previous ruling that the Second Amendment protects the right of gun stores to sell guns.  While admitting that the Second Amendment protects a right to possess guns, they claim no right to sell them or buy them.  Shall Not Be Questioned points out:
That’s like arguing for freedom of the press, but it’s illegal for anyone to sell presses. 
Or the right to have porn in your home, while making sale or purchase illegal.  Or the right to be secure in your home, and banning owning or renting a home.  The Supreme Court needs to whack these idiots on the nose.

What impresses me is that racist colonial gun laws are evidence that there is no right to sell guns. Any other racially discriminatory law back then would be an argument against such laws.

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