
Saturday, September 2, 2017

USA Today Just Became Deplorable

9/1/17 USA Today:
In a viral photo from the Associated Press, a woman is pictured cradling her baby as a man carries them both to safety amid the Hurricane Harvey floods. While the image is quaint, it has a thoroughly modern feel. She has a topknot, leggings and Hunter rain boots.
She could be me.
The image has become iconic of the still unfolding disaster, a photographic balm on a nation still wounded deeply from the vitriolic events at Charlottesville and elsewhere. Thousands upon thousands have shared the image on social media, many adding the phrase, “This is America.”
But the picture has also sparked jokes about “toxic masculinity” as some sarcastically remind others of the reality that in a crisis such as this, it is typically strong men pulling terrified victims from danger.
Make no mistake about it, saving lives is "toxic masculinity" because it reflects something built into our genes.  Save women, and you make it possible to pass on our genes, if not with that woman, then for others of your tribe to do so.

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