
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Peak Food?

The world could be facing a food shortage in just 10 years, according to an agricultural data technology company.
Gro Intelligence founder and chief executive Sara Menker says previous calculations about food supply have focused on mass and weight, not nutritional value — and this is where things become problematic.
Previously the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization has predicted that the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050 and the world needs to produce 70 percent more food to feed all these extra people.
But at a TEDGlobal event Arusha, Tanzania, Menker said if you look at the nutritional value of current food production instead, global food security is more tenuous than originally thought.
According to Quartz, Menker believes the year 2023 will be the crossover point when we will no longer be able to produce enough food to feed a growing population.
She has estimated that by 2027, there could be a 214 trillion-calorie deficit, which is the equivalent of 379 million Big Macs.
Nonsense.  The U.S. and Europe are both overflowing with food because of governmental subsidies.  Some places may end up hungry because Hollyweird falls in love with their government's delusional policies (Venezuela).   Some places will have hunger because the government uses it to destroy opposition (19802 Ethiopia).  The U.S. could possibly feed the world on its own if the socialists would allow their people to produce something with which to buy that food.


  1. Obviously, the ethanol mandate will have to be revised/revisited. At the same time the growing world obesity problem will be curtailed. Land set aside in progressive states for Canabis will have to be reconsidered as well. And finally, countries like North Korea and Venezuela will have to stop working on their socialist paradises and start growing food again.

    1. You spelled "socialist parasite" wrong.
      But yes, there are ways to stave off famine by getting government out of the way.
      I also expect that just like the 1880's caused people to rethink dryland farming and the idea that "rain follows the plow" in the US high plains, the vegans will find out that some land is suitable for pasture only, no matter how hard they try to grow crops there.
