
Friday, August 5, 2016

No Terrorists Involved

I saw Rachel Madcow on MSNBC arguing that weak gun control laws made the U.S. high on ISIS' list a couple nights ago.  So is there no substitution possible besides big trucks?  8/5/16 Independent:
The man suspected of murdering an American woman in a stabbing rampage in central London has been named locally as Zakaria Bulhan.The 19-year-old Norwegian citizen is of Somali descent and moved to the UK at the age of five, officials said.
Police raided his home in Tooting, south London, on Thursday after he was arrested on suspicion of murder.
Neighbours speaking to the Daily Mail said Bulhan’s family were Muslim, describing his mother as a “kind and friendly” woman who lived with her two sons.
A profile on a book rating website in Bulhan’s name shows an interest in Islamic theology, listing a biography of the Prophet Mohamed and a book of Quran verses and hadiths as recent reads.
Bulhan remains in custody as police continued to investigate the motives for Wednesday night’s stabbing in Russell Square, which left a 64-year-old woman dead and five other victims.
Another success for gun control and to suggest a connection to Islam is just bigotry.

Police of course are denying any connection to Islam calling it mental illness related.  IOt could be, but you will forgive my skepticism since Islamophilia afflicts governments so severely.


  1. Maddow perplexes me somewhat. She is a gun owner. She shoots. Her first date with her significant other was to a shooting range. She's a known shooting enthusiast, and there are videos out there that show her at the range enjoying an AR15 and being interviewed about her enjoyment!

    I guess the overall leftist ideology taints her whatever real feelings about guns and 2A that she actually has.

  2. They know that you can't assume every act of violence by a Muslim is because of Islam, that leap in logic is reserved for gun owners!
