
Monday, July 18, 2016

What A Weekend!

We had a memorial service for my mother on Saturday, so all my surviving siblings, several of their children and some of my mother's great-grandchildren were there, so sort of family reunion.  Some of these relatives I really like, and except for one grandnephew with either autism or Ausperger's all are really pleasant people.  I was startled during a geneaology discussion to find a neice is working on a BA in History.

My mother had a colossal  number of pictures including ones proving I was once young:
Yes that's a 10 MHz AT clone back when that was fast!

Many of the pictures are from her days at Salvation Army Training College (their version of seminary).  My mother was a Salvation Army minister back in the 1930s.  One of my many nieces put together a collection of photos and diary extracts from when my mother was an idealistic, sweet and very beautiful young woman--one I regret having never met.

Also pictures from her trips to Europe, the Holy Land, and China.  She is the only person I know who has ridden both a Bactrian AND a Dromedary camel.  (Which has how many humps?  Put the first letter on its back and count humps.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear your mom died. It sounds like she was quite a woman!
