
Monday, July 18, 2016


We have Western Siding residing our house.  The original siding was rotting because of snowbanks against it.  It's expensive but not because of materials but labor.  One guy is doing it, Richard, who seems very meticulous.  It's plastic, but metal might last 50 years instead of 30.  I won't be here
(or anywhere physical) in 50 years.

Here is the old color, sort of sage green.

This is the insulation layer that goes under the siding, improving heat and cold loss.

Here is the partially complete east wall, showing the sunny Colonial yellow:

North wall is mostly complete.  These are the LED light fixtures that are replacing the originals, now badly battered by our hurricane force winds.

The roof is next month.  The manufacturer is supplying replacement shingles under warranty plus a check for labor.  That plus homeowner's insurance should pay for a new roof.

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