
Friday, July 8, 2016

Promote Racial Division and Hatred as Political Strategy and Look Where it Takes You

The Democrats (as they have done for two centuries) are promoting racial hatred for political advantage to make it easier to loot the public trough.  Unlike previous centuries, when they promoted racial hatred against blacks, now they promote it against whites.

From 7/8/16 New York Daily News:
Amid the massacre, Johnson told a police negotiator he was targeting white officers because he was angry over the recent spate of cop-involved killings.
“He said he was upset about the recent police shootings,” Dallas Police Chief David Brown said. “The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”
When Democrats promoted race hatred in the 19th century it was for the Tammany Hall corruption.  These days?  7/8/16 CBS News:
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida and her chief of staff pleaded not guilty Friday to multiple fraud charges and other federal offenses in a grand jury indictment unsealed after an investigation into what prosecutors call a phony charity turned into a personal slush fund.
Brown, a 69-year-old Democrat, and Chief of Staff Elias "Ronnie" Simmons, 50, entered pleas in Jacksonville federal court on charges of mail and wire fraud, conspiracy, obstruction and filing of false tax returns.
She faces a maximum of 357 years in prison and nearly $5 million in fines if she is convicted on all charges, CBS affiliate WJAX reported. Simmons faces a maximum of 355 years in prison and nearly $5 million in fines if he is convicted.
Brown has represented a Jacksonville-based congressional district since 1993 -- one of the first three African-Americans elected to Congress from Florida since Reconstruction -- and is seeking re-election in a newly redrawn district. She stepped down as senior Democrat on the House Veterans Affairs Committee following her indictment.
6/21/16 USA Today:
Longtime Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., was convicted in a federal court Tuesday of taking bribes and stealing charitable funds and federal money.
Fattah — who was defeated in a Democratic primary in April in his bid for a 12th term in Congress — was convicted of steering federal funds to non-profits he controlled and then skimming that money to pay off debts for his unsuccessful run for mayor of Philadelphia in 2007.
Fattah and several co-conspirators were named in a 29-count indictment filed last July. Fattah has proclaimed his innocence throughout the case. "I haven't committed any crime," he said in a court appearance last August. He told reporters, “I understand their desire to come after me ... but to take innocent people, to take people in my family and to smear their good name — that says a lot about character, so I think that's the most unfortunate part about this entire process." 


  1. Hey, I can think of someone else who has a phony charity and runs a slush fund, who also engages in "(e)mail and wire fraud, conspiracy, obstruction and filing of false tax returns"- can anyone guess who it is I'm thinking of?

    You've got to think big- like Global Initiative big!

    We could call this game, "Name the Democrat Running for President"- or do you think that is too big a hint?

  2. Huh. This is the third black U.S. Representative indicted by the Obama Justice Department. Yet they wouldn't indict Clinton. White Privilege!
