
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Some Product Ideas Are Best Left In Your Dreams

Talk about weapons control law bait.  2/26/16 WMMT:
A Michigan company is peddling personal flamethrowers over the Internet.

And as we found, there's absolutely no regulation at this time.

The XM-42 is being sold as "the world's first fully handheld, grab and go flamethrower."

Depending on your point of view, it's either a fiery nightmare, or a flaming success for a tiny Michigan start up company.

"Most of our customers are way out in the country, and have property and they see a use for it. What I designed it for is just novelty, and then throughout development, throughout contact with fire departments, and customers, and potential customers that were interested in the product, they just described all kinds of different uses they would have for it, and gave us ideas on how to optimize the system for that," said designer Chris Byars.

Because these are not considered weapons, you can order a flamethrower in any state, except California and Ohio, where you need permits, and Maryland, where they're banned.

They are shipped with no background check, no questions asked.
So are these Second Amendment arms?  Or a bad idea?  Or both.  What was it George Carlin had to say about flamethrowers?  What sort of person says, "I want to set that person over THERE on fire."

1 comment:

  1. ...or perhaps they say "I want to set that hornets' nest over THERE on fire."

    Or perhaps an unusually large snowfall has just occurred, and it is your responsibility to clear the streets of snow and ice for Kennedy's inaugeral:
