
Saturday, February 27, 2016

KKK Rally: Should Be A Chance to Show Their Hate-Filled Rhetoric is Nonsense

But as increasingly is the case, the nasty stereotypes that the KKK promotes of racial minorities as emotional and out of control always seem to get demonstrated.  From 2/27/16 Los Angeles Times:
Kobe Sato, 18, of Anaheim said a crowd swarmed the KKK members when they arrived at the park and began to display Confederate flags.

Brian Levin, director of CSU San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing next to the man in the Grand Dragon shirt when a crowd of protesters carrying weapons swarmed the Klansmen.

A brawl broke out and one of the Klansmen was knocked to the ground and kicked. Levin said he later saw the man's arm bleeding.

Not an effective way to prove them wrong.   Imagine if a male chauvinist group held a rally claiming women were too emotional to vote, and women showed up and started crying in response.

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