
Friday, March 6, 2015

Polygamous Same-Sex Wedding

There was a time when if you pointed out that a right to same-sex marriage, opened the door to a right to polygamy, same -sex marrioage advocates  would get all huffy and claim no similarity..  The February 27, 2015 Daily Mail reports on:

They look like a new boy band... but it's the world's first THREE-WAY same-sex marriage: Gay Thai men tie the knot in 'fairytale ceremony'


  1. It says they "Too the plunge on Valentines day"....Yeah, I'll bet they did

  2. They look like a new boy band... but it's the world's first THREE-WAY same-sex marriage: Gay Thai men tie the knot in 'fairy-tail ceremony'

    There, I fixed it. Yeah I know, I'm going to Hell for that but sometimes the jokes just write themselves.
