
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Starting To Read Again

I am reading John Lundstrom's One Drop in a Sea of Blue: The Liberators of the Ninth Minnesota at the moment. Reading is still a struggle because I am still mentally drained, but it is going better than I expected.

I watch a lot of TV at the moment, much of it not terribly high-brow, like Arrow based on the DC Comics Green Arrow books.  Part of what I find attractive about stuff based on the DC Comics stuff, is that traditional notions of right and wrong have survived.  Shows I watched in the hospital like Man vs, Food do not hold my attention now.


  1. Clayton, have you tried audio books? the local library probably has a good supply of audiobooks.

  2. I've seen parts of "Arrow" recently.

    It comes off better than I expected it to.

    About the only part I dislike is the character who decides (in the second season) that killing is evil, even when dealing with evil people who are directly threatening his own life.

  3. just started watching arrow with my wife. We dont have cable but it is on Netflicks
