
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pay Attention if your doctor is concerned about high Blood Pressure

Hypertension  is a risk factor for stroke; trust me you don't want one, even a mild one.  My speech is badly slurred. I really didn't want a stroke.  I am having to learn to use the right side of my body and it doesn't like it.  The right side muscles are weak, in some cases, voluntary muscles no longer respond to orders.  I can't raise my right arm at all.  I AM  NOW A HUNT AND PECK TYPIST, which is a great indignity for someone who has been a touch typist since I was in the sixth grade.

There are greater indignities. They did not want me trying to walk to the toilet for fear of a fall.  But when you  are deeply asleep, trying to get plugged into the entrance to a male urinal is not easy.

But none of these indignities compare to the use of a bed pan, which these days are made of a hard plastic, not metal.  The nurses mixed up  a "brown cow" (prune juice and milk of magnesia) for me.  Enough said.

St. Alphonsus is a Catholic hospital, performing what has been a traditional Christian duty of giving health care, since the days of the Plague of Justinian.  For Catholics discouraged by the recent scandals,  hold your heads high because of St. Al's.

Jesus is showing.

(typed by Clay; edited by Rhonda)


  1. It must sound trite but I'm praying for you my brother.

  2. Patience and more patience. You will be back to normal.
    Stay strong

  3. Praying for your speedy and complete recovery, and strength and comfort for your family.

  4. Sorry to hear you're going through this, but happy to know that you're well enough to be updating your blog. Hope you have a full and swift recovery.

  5. Best wishes, Clayton, our prayers are with you. It's great to hear from you so soon after the event. It's pretty scary for any of us of, ahem, advanced age.

  6. Clayton,

    Be confident that prayer is being performed on your behalf by my house.


  7. Nice to hear Jesus is showing over at St Alphonsus hospital. May He help you in a speedy recovery.

    I can't do much but perhaps this thread might be of interest.

    Looking back on your posts, I see you purchased version 11 some time ago. Did you update it to current version and is that improved? Would it be a matter of passing the hat?

  8. Hang in there Brother. You and Rhonda are constantly in my prayers.


  9. Hope to see you back on your feet and touch typing again soon! Praying for you and your family.

  10. Predicting a complete recovery.

  11. Hang in there Clayton, I am praying for a complete recovery. It may go slow but be patient and trust Him!

  12. Get well soon, Clayon. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

  13. Hang in there, Clayton. Nobody said life would be easy and it ain't! I broke my back 23 years ago & had to go thru all that & more. Good news -- there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  14. God bless you, Clayton! And as a Protestant, let me also say, God bless the Catholics.

  15. Glad to see you home? and feeling better.
    Rehab, rehab, rehab. As a nurse I have seen plenty of stroke patients get better with some hard work and effort to do so.
    I have enjoyed following your blogged adventures and I hope you are able to continue sharing your insights about the world and things.
    Be well!

  16. Hang in there Clayton, I'm praying for your complete recovery.

    May God bless and preserve you!

  17. Welcome back, Clayton. I had the certain feeling that you'd be back at the keyboard with the first opportunity. I'm just pleased that whatever impact there has been on your brain, it's not been so damaging as to have turned you into a liberal.

    You have my prayers for your full and complete recovery.

  18. Clayton, I am glad to hear you are getting better. I really understand the annoyance at switching from being a touch typist to hunt and peck typing with the left hand. Four weeks ago today, I had a relatively minor event in my life and broke my right forearm. So I spent a good bit of time with my mouse on the wrong (left hand) side of the keyboard. It is annoying, but it gets better. Glad to hear you are out of the hospital and in rehab now.

  19. Clayton, my uncle Mark recently had a stroke and received care through St. Alphonsus. His recovery exceeded expectations, and I pray yours will as well.
