
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I am sorry to report...

Clayton Cramer had a heart attack on Sunday night, August 4th.  While in surgery, to put a stent into a clogged artery, he suffered a stroke.  His right side was affected; he did not suffer any paralysis.

He is mentally alert.  He is just very weak on the right side of his body.  He will be in the hospital a few more days and will be transferred to a rehab facility for about a month. We have a long road ahead of us--but we are confident in Whose Hands he rests.

I won't be checking his eamil--if you must get a hold of me, to relay any messages his way, I am at:

Rhonda Cramer


  1. I am terribly sad to hear this. Best wishes and prayers for all of you.

  2. God bless, Clayton!

    Here's hoping for a full recovery.

  3. Saw the news at Sebastian's and have been sending best wishes ever since.

  4. I've been a fan for a long time. (Since back in Clayton's Usenet days.) My hopes and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.

  5. Prayers and hopes for a full recovery or as close to one as possible.

  6. I am genuinely shocked and saddened to read this terrible news. As a regular reader for many years I know that Clayton has been working hard to improve his health.

    Clayton, God speed you in your recovery. My prayers are with you.

  7. Our hopes and prayers are with you both.

  8. this is shocking and sad news. I pray for Clayton's full recovery. May God hold him in the hollow of His hand.

  9. this is shocking and sad news. I pray for Clayton's full recovery. May God hold him in the hollow of His hand.

  10. Best wishes for a speedy and as complete as possible recovery.

  11. Best wishes to both of you. If you have any needs, post them here and I expect the community will help as we can.

  12. I, too, have been a fan of Clayton since his Usenet days. I will pray for his speedy recovery.

    If there is anything we, his Internet friends can do, please put up another posting on this blog.

  13. I am very saddened to hear this. Blessings and prayers to you and your family Clayton.

  14. I am so sad! Please recover as soon as possible - we'll miss you while you get better! Please let us know what we can do to help!

  15. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery!

  16. Been there. I recovered; I'm certain Clayton will, too. It's a tough break, but the brain heals sometimes even when the doctors say it won't.

    Best of luck, and you're in our thoughts and prayers.

  17. My thoughts are with you Clayton. I have confidence you can pull through.

  18. Will add Clayton to my prayer list and wish for a complete recovery!

  19. I read about it on Instapundit. I'm a big fan of Clayton's, and I have been for many years. Wish all the best to him and his family.

  20. Very sorry to hear this! Clayton, I will be praying for you.

  21. Sorry to hear that, I hope he recovers quickly. Thanks for letting everyone know.

  22. I hope for a speedy and full recovery for Clayton and hope that the family gets enough rest for the trying times ahead.

  23. Best wishes for a speedy recovery in all ways. May God help and heal you!

    You will be in my prayers Clayton.

  24. Praying for a speedy recovery. Get better soon.

  25. Please accept my best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

  26. Sorry to hear this... I too have been a fan since the wild '90s days of "talk.politics.guns" and related USENET groups. Prayers sent....

  27. Rhonda, the update is greatly appreciated.

  28. Awful news. Clayton is a significant national resource, and I hope he can soon return to his full activities.

  29. Hang in there. A positive attitude helps. And you aren't a quitter....

  30. I was shocked to read this post. I always enjoy reading Clayton's posts and hope he can resume blogging.

    I'm sending my best thoughts Clayton's way for a full and speedy recovery.
