
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Just Love Watching These Super-Educated Sorts Demonstrate Their Ignorance

Yes, I'm joining the slamming of President Obama, former constitutional law professor, for his upset that an unelected branch of government, the Supreme Court, might strike down Obamacare:
"Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said at a Rose Garden news conference.
Obama is either lying, or he is too ignorant to have graduated from law school, much less taught at one.

Unprecedented?  The Supreme Court has a long history of striking down laws passed by a democratically elected Congress.  He might want to, you know, actually read a book about his idol FDR, and why FDR felt a need for his court packing plan--because the Supreme Court struck down a bunch of New Deal laws passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.

This is the job of the Supreme Court: to strike down laws that are in violation of the constitution.  No educated liberal or conservative disputes this.  There is considerable argument about which laws are in violation, but we can all agree on this: if a law is contrary to the Constitution, it is not a law at all, and the courts are obligated to strike it down.

Now, if a conservative was complaining about judicial activists overturning a vote of the people, we could have a nice discussion of what constitutes judicial activism, and what are fundamental rights.  But that would be a discussion for intelligent, educated people--not this idiot empty suit.  The left has relied for most of the last fifty years on judges overturning volumes of laws passed by democratically elected legislative bodies: Lawrence v. Texas (2003); Griswold v. Connecticut (1965); Roe v. Wade (1973); Baker v. Carr (1962); Gitlow v. New York (1925); Ginzburg v. U.S. (1966); Near v. Minnesota (1931).

The left has even overturned the vote of not just elected legislative bodies, but the people of individual states directly amending their state constitutions: Reitman v. Mulkey (1967); Romer v. Evans (1996).  Argue if you want that the people are less competent to decide what their state constitution should do than a majority of the Supreme Court, but don't pretend that there is something unprecedented about the Supreme Court overturning a law passed by Congress.

Finally, the vote to pass Obamacare was 219-212 in the House.  Yes, the Senate vote was more lopsided than that, but to call a bill that passed the House with that kind of a margin "a strong majority" shows that Obama is, as usual, too stupid to hold the job of municipal dogcatcher, much less President of the United States.

I have never taken seriously the claims that Obama is an illegal alien.  But I am starting to wonder where he was in the years that he was supposedly in law school, first as student, then as professor.  Because he clearly must have been asleep during all that time.


  1. "Obama is either lying..."

    No one needs to even consider the possibility that Obama is NOT lying.

    He breathes, he lies.

  2. Clayton, don't forget that a lot of the people who voted for it, got their arse handed to them in the 2010 elections.

  3. I suggest that the audience Obama is speaking to are the ones "too stupid" to know that "Obamacare" wasn't passed by a strong majority, or what the SCOTUS branch of government is actually designed to do.
