
Monday, February 27, 2012

Media Matters Madness Magnifies

The February 27, 2012 Daily Caller continues to give good, juicy topic about David Brock, head of Media Matters for America, one of the major character assassination groups of the Democratic Party.  Apparently, Brock's lover demanded $850,000 from Brock or he would blow the whistle, apparently on matters related to Media Matters' tax exempt status:

A police report obtained by Fox News shows that Brock contacted the Washington, D.C. Metro Police Department in September 2010 after his longtime domestic partner William Grey allegedly threatened to release “derogatory information about him and his organization to the press and donors that would be embarrassing to him and cause harm to the organization if he did not comply [with Grey's demands].”
Grey, Brock told the police, was demanding “17 pieces of property he felt belonged to him.” Among those items were $10,200 in Louis Vuitton bags, $5,000 in “exotic decorative antelope horn bar accessories,” and a $5,000 “antique painted bust of [a] Roman soldier.”
Grey reportedly warned Brock to comply with his demands in a 2008 email. “Please finish this today so I don’t have to waste my time emailing anyone — Biden, Coulter, Carlson, Huffington, Drudge, Ingraham,” Grey wrote.
Read more:
Honestly: Republicans do stupid and immoral things with their spouses (Newt Gingrich, Governor Sanford), but Democrats do these things so much more flamboyantly!  Why do I keep thinking of that Cheech & Chong record?  "Oh, rip the shirt!  How cliche!"

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