
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finally Found The Out of State Insurance Bill

H 587 allows health insurers licensed in other states to sell health insurance in Idaho--something that they have previously not been allowed to do, unless they had offices here.  Pretty obviously, if there was a good motivation for this law in the past, and not just an attempt to make health insurance artificially expensive, those days are gone.

I have read through the bill, and while I do not claim to be an expert in this area, it seems pretty straightforward.  I will be contacting my Idaho legislators and asking them to back Rep. Julie Ellsworth's bill.  If you are in her district, thank her for introducing it.  To find and contact your member of the Idaho legislature, click here.

The obvious beneficiaries will be those people who are trying to buy individual health insurance, but I suspect that this might benefit small businesses trying to buy group health insurance as well.

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