
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Painful Reminder That Totalitarianism Works

CBS News has gathered together ten bizarre facts about the late Communist gangster madman Kim Jong Il.  Many of them I knew, but the official claim that he did not defecate makes the other laughable claims seem almost possible.  From all that I have read and seen over the years about North Korea, it is clear that the sort of totalitarian society envisioned in Ayn Rand's Anthem or George Orwell's 1984 is frighteningly possible.  In some respects, I would say that Kim Jong Il managed to actually exceed both.

NPR, of course, had some very favorable comments about this monster from Democrats:

Wendy Sherman, a special adviser to President Clinton on North Korea, accompanied then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Pyongyang in 2001, and met Kim along with Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson.
"We shared similar impressions of meeting him. He was smart and a quick problem-solver," Sherman says. "He is also witty and humorous. Our overall impression was very different from the way he was known to the outside world."
Sherman sat next to Kim at a stadium to watch a huge festival of synchronized dancing. She says she turned to Kim and told him she had the sense that in some other life, he was a "great director."
But what's a little mass murder and starvation among artistic sorts?


  1. The whole personality cult built around the glorious leader(s) is both amazing and scary. I suppose if someone is taught to believe something like that from birth (as NK citizens are) about the leader they will believe it....

    There is no way the Kim cult could control anything without full support from the military and their government agencies and I'm sure many of those people are very loyal because of payoffs and/or blood ties (if not also fear and brainwashing). I'd like to hear more about who those people are as they have as much, if not more, power than the mentally ill/evil Kim's. Without them to support the "Kim's" the regime would collapse.

    A dictator and his henchman with the tiniest brain or rational sense knows that if they ever lost power the people would want their blood for how bad they've treated the masses so will fanatically fight to keep their power and try to protect themselves from outside threats (for example the obsession with having nukes).

    What a living hell the NK masses must be going through! I did hear on the BBC World News last night something about their possibly being some grumblings from the masses about being expected to mourn for 10 days or whatever was required when they needed to find food and survive first!

    I wonder if the Hollywood elite sent the glorious leader the latest Blue Rays since his fondness for their work is legendary.

  2. ". . .smart and a quick problem-solver . . . witty and humorous. Our overall impression was very different from the way he was known to the outside world."
    Sherman . . . turned to Kim and told him she had the sense that in some other life, he was a "great director."

    Yet another reason to not listen to NPR.
    Of course, too, women are attracted to power, and charisma, which dictators virtually always have in excess.
