Monday, March 7, 2016

Windows 10 & Microsoft Login

I can no longer use my Windows 10 notebook.  It wants a password, but for my Microsoft account, which thinks my name is Leonardo Petterson.  Nor can I reset my password.  There are dozens of pieces of information it wants including subject lines of recent emails I ave sent, which I don't remember.  Microsoft accounts are hell, and I don't see a way to restart my PC without the Microsoft account.
Nor can I create a new Microsoft account.  What trash Microsoft is.
How do you change from the default Microsoft account if you can't login?
Reinstalling Windows 7 from recovery discs.
Nothing Microsoft really evervworks.  The recovery discs are not.  I think the reason for the odd name is that I briefly tried to use Windows 8 when I was in the hospital.  I returned the PC and it disappeared in transit.
Disconnecting the Microsoft account seems to be the highest goal.  Northwind  computers is working on it.  I confess every time I have to interact with microsoft, I start thinking Linux.


  1. As far as I know, you need to choose a non-Microsoft account during setup or you need to be able to sign in to setup a local account for future use.

  2. Windows 10 seems pretty decent on a windows 8.1 computer, but coming from Windows 7, I've experienced nothing but disaster.

  3. As Mark C. said above on initial powerup you have to deny the Microsoft account a couple of times before it will allow you to create a local account on a clean, I.e. non-upgrade, install.

