
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

You Thought "Moon Unit" Was An Unforgivable Name

2/25/25 New York Times:
"Nebraska Man Struggles to Change Daughter’s Name From ‘Unakite Thirteen Hotel’

"The name, which appeared to be generated by a computer, was meant to be temporary after the mother surrendered the child. But two years later, the nonsensical name remains."

It has to have been generated by a computer.   Imagine if AI had been involved!

2/26/25 NBC News reports she now has a Social Security number. It looks like all the bad press helped!


  1. It could be worse. In 2019, a Chicago woman dropped her phone on the subway tracks, climbed down to retrieve it, and was killed by a train. (Her family's lawsuit lost on appeal two weeks ago.) The woman's name was Felon Smith.

  2. Then there's Free, the son of David Carradine and Barbara Hershey. Is it a law that Hollywood people, in addition to being sexual deviants, can't give their children normal names that will help them grow to be normal adults?
