
Monday, February 3, 2025

Waited for a 3/16" EndMill Holder

I needed 3/16" holes in these carbon fiber bearing blocks.  I ordered 3/16" carbide end mills and 3/16" endmill holder.  Endmill holders need to hold an endmill of a specified shank diameter very exactly in the center.  The end mills arrives, made in Taiwan. 

The Sherline 3/16" endmill holder arrived and it was not centering the end mill.  Why?  It was .235" ID.  This was a Sherline endmill holder.  I verified the label and the packing list.  I was disappointed. 

I looked through my collection and found a 3/8" shank 3/16" end mill.  I cut at very low feed rate and it did a good job.  The helicoil that I will epoxy into the holes measured close enough diameter that I screwed it onto a 6-32 screw (which is the internal thread of the helicoil) and it just slides into the hole.   I will put some release agent on the screws, turn the helicoils onto the screws,  dip the helicoils in epoxy, then put the bearing block flat and slide each screw helicoil assembly just inside the hole and let it all cure.  If not for the smell I would bring then inside and bake them.  Somewhere I think I had a heat gun, but where?

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