
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It Was Such a Clever Idea. Why Am I Not Surprised?

1/7/25 Yahoo Finance:
"The "Actually Smart Summon" feature, launched in September, lets Tesla owners move their vehicles using a mobile app. But after a Tesla vehicle summoned it reportedly failed to detect stationary obstacles such as posts or parked cars, several media outlets and an official complaint to the NHTSA complained. The NHTSA has re-reviewed many crash reports that indicate that users may have 'too little reaction time to avoid the crash' when using the feature."

My recollection was that this was marketed as a way to get your Tesla to come to you in parking lots: "Fido, come here!"  This barely works with dogs (and with our dogs only if it involves a ball or food.)  Some problems are a bit more complex than pull into reverse,  back up until obstacle,  pull into drive, find shortest unblocked path to cell phone.  

I have yet to try to the self-driving SuperDrive feature on my new car.   When I do, it will be on uncrowded Interstate in daytime, good weather.   Even then, I will be very skeptical for the first 100,000 miles.

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