
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Do You Remember This Incident?

 I would ike to find the news story.

 am readingSusan B Sorenson and Richard A Berk, “Young Guns: An Empirical Study of Persons Who Use a Firearm in a Suicide or a Homicide,” Injury Prevention 5:282 (1999),

Given that federal law prohibits firearm purchase by minors, the source of the weapons themselves is of primary importance in preventing firearm suicide and homicide by juveniles. Some research has found that the parental home is the most common source of firearms that adolescents and young adults use to kill themselves. Family and friends and “off the street” are the two most common sources of guns for inner city high school students….

 It appears that only a few corrupt dealers and unlicensed vendors are responsible for a substantial proportion of recovered guns.

By corrupt dealers, they are including people like the two guys who obtained an FFL and over a period of nine months sold hundreds of guns all over South Central LA out of their van, not even pretending to do California background checks or complete 4473s.  I recall that one of the guns was used either by, or against Cuba Gooding's brother.  They received sentences of 9 and 12 months in jail.  (Really showed them, huh?)  I would love to find this article.



    The above link contains a contemporaneous story about a corrupt dealer with falsified and non-existent records (The Omar Gooding gun possession arrest was 1995).

    1. That link is dead. Searching for text foumd a paywalled copy at has it at
