
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Why is Arizona Funding a University That Promotes This Idiocy?

12/3/24 The College Fix:.
"PHOENIX — Arizona State University Professor Crystal Jackson condemned the “anti-trafficking movement” and “deviant framing” of “sex workers” during an event on campus last week.

"During the “Queer X Faculty Flashtalks” event, Jackson told the students and staff in attendance that “Sex workers have been and are at the heart of queer liberation.”

“We wouldn’t have the modern-day LGBTQ plus movement in the U.S. … without sex-working trans people,” she said.

"Jackson, who teaches women and gender studies, criticized society for viewing “transgender people and sex working people” as “deviant” and as “other, as non-normative, and as disposable.”

"The professor also condemned the anti-trafficking movement. She said the practices put in place to combat human trafficking in the U.S. contribute to a surveillance system that disproportionately affects certain racial and gender groups."

Because it is trying to protect victims.  This depraved person wants to protect the exploiters.


  1. Jesus, Clayton what planet is that clown from, I don’t think I’ve ever been so outraged. It took a few rereads, but this yutz wants people trafficed?
    ‘deviant framing’, errr transgender/cross dress? right out of the diagnostic manuals under Deviant!
    And this is a state college professor?
    oh, Wyminns Studious, yea, right

  2. edit to add sorry should have read closer should be vonce not yutz

    1. The Grievance Studies departments are seriously messed up.
