
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Essex Dogs by Dan Jones

I tend to not read historical fiction.  I find two problems that discourage me.

1. Many read them and mistake their content for history.  Often,  they are inaccurate on particular details.

2. Resl people appear in them in ways that may make good fiction, but misrepresent those real people and their beliefs or actions.  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter at least, has yet to be cited by any of my American History students.

Dan Jones is a medieval historian who has written a novel about the Hundred Years War from the viewpoint of a mercenary company called the Essex Dogs.  From what I know of this period, it captures the savagery of medieval warfare, combined with the curiously savage variant of medieval Christianity that seems to be WWJND.  What Would Jesus Not Do?

It ends at the Battle of Crecy, either the first or at least one of the earliest uses of cannon in European warfare.   I know enough about this battle to recognize its accuracy  

Not prepared to sink your teeth into Barbara Tuchman's excellent A Distant Mirror or read Froissart's accounts of the Hundred Years War?    Consider Essex Dogs.

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