
Monday, September 23, 2024

Not Stitches After All

I went in for post-op examination today.  The P-A looked over all the stitches and said i was healing very well.  And nome of these stitches are stitches.  They are all glue.  She says they produce much smaller and better looking scars than stitches.  

"So, I can go back to being a chest model?"

Well at least as well as I did it before. 

I told her that I was able to walk 1500 feet last Thursday with no shortness of breath, which is better than before surgery.  She said most people are feeling  pretty good by fourth week.

I can resume driving sixth week.


  1. I once visited an ER after a fall from the roof and a face plant on a big rock. I wouldn't let the doc stitch a cut on my cheek. He said it would leave a scar if he didn't suture it. Exactly my point, I told him. Why go through all that trauma and not have a scar to show for it?

    1. I am not terribly vain about my appearance, which shows that I look in the mirror, but I cannot imagine intentionally retaining a scar for bragging rights. ("You should have seen the other guy!")
