
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Amazing Picture

7/18/14 Guardian has a photograph where you can see the cloud trail left by the bullet. 

You may need to blow it up a bit

If you are not aware of this: in humid climates, bullets produce a small cloud behind them as the bullet produces a low pressure area where water vapor turns to a small cloud.  You see similar phenomena behind fighter aircraft.

Considering the distance, this was a reasonably skilled shot.  My math says he pulled the trigger .14 seconds before the bullet him Trump so he was pretty well aimed.  Even a slight difference in Trump's head movement and civil war would likely have already started. 


  1. > Considering the distance, this was a reasonably skilled shot.

    130 to 150 yards?

    For a 20 year old? With a modern AR15?

    If that had been any "average" Marine behind that rifle Trump's IQ would now be slightly (but only slightly) lower than Biden's.

    1. It is a hard shot for a moving target. That's why snipers only do head shots in movies.
