
Monday, May 6, 2024

The Decency of America Survives

My wife and I were running errands today.  On Midland Avenue, there was a duck leading her ducklings through a fairly complex traffic lighted intersection.  Maybe eight cute little fluffballs. People were waiting patiently for her to get her brood across a four lane road, no one in a hurry enough to run them over, no one so anxious to get to whatever appointment absolutely needed to be kept that they honked to get someone to go, even if they could not see the cause.  Finally, Momma and her little ones reached the curb and (barely for the smallest ones) climbed out of the street.

It gave me a good feeling about Idaho.

1 comment:

  1. I live in coastal Texas. People will frequently pull over to the side of the road to move turtles out of the road.
