
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Getting Ready to Move; Starlink Users, What Rates Are You Seeing?

1 comment:

  1. I am sad to report Starlink's monthly fee has risen (since my initial subscription) to $120. The service seems a little more reliable, though. Still very fast.

    There has been an update to "Terms of Use" : Under the Fair Use policy, all Residential customers will receive unlimited data, and will start each month with Priority Access, which means their data usage will be prioritized during times of network congestion.

    Customers who exceed 1 TB of data use on a monthly basis (currently < 10% of users) will automatically be switched to Basic Access for the remainder of the billing cycle, which means their data usage will be deprioritized during times of network congestion, resulting in slower speeds.

    Data used between 11pm - 7am will not count towards your Priority Access."

    My household NEVER even approaches that level of consumption. (For comparison, our two cell phones each draw barely over one GIGAbyte (1/1000th) that amount while mapping, chatting, "app" using away from the house. I find myself baffled about what sort of one-family residence is doing to draw a TERAbyte per month.
