
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Bill Bryson At Home

Like all of Bryson's books this is interesting and witty.  He mentions that the 1889 Paris Exhibition that caused the Eiffel Tower has a competition for what to build.  The 900-foot guillotine was not the winner.  

And there is this marvelous one


  1. Oh, don't leave us hanging! Mr. Stotesbury met the future "Mrs. Stotesbury in 1912 -- she had recently exhausted the goodwill and bank balance of her first husband" (as good a reason as any for a society maven to remarry).
    Did her first husband divorce her once he found out she was the hole in his money bag? What happened to Mr. Stotesbury? Did he die in harness or did he shed the spendthrift before he had to take the subway to work?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Unrelated, but possibly of interest. The topic came up in a discussion about when the idea that "The 2A only applies to the Militia" started getting promoted. The best guess was that it was part of the Progressive platform in the early 20th century. I pointed out I had a booklet from 1940 with prominent American documents in it, and the commentary in it said that the 2nd was "Interpreted to only apply to the state militia" with no indication who did that interpretation.

    The left now likes to claim that the NRA invented the individual rights interpretation recently, but since you're one of the best scholars of the history of gun rights I know of, I figured you'd have a better idea of when these interpretations were promulgated.

    1. There is an early 20th century Kansas Supreme Court decision that starts this crap.

    2. Interesting. I would like to know more to throw in the faces of the "The NRA invented the individual Gun rights interpretation of the 2A in the 60's" crowd. Not that it would do much, but as Larry Correia says, Internet arguing is a spectator sport.

    3. See Sen. Howard lists the rights : "to these should be added the personal rights guaranteed and secured by the first eight amendments of the Constitution; such as the freedom of speech and of the press; the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances; a right appertaining to each and all of the people; the right to keep and to bear arms; "
