
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Excuse Me, While I Go Into Shock

1/23/24 National Propaganda Radio article about Wyoming's high suicide rate (mostly with guns) that discussed how gun shops are already doing their part:

"One recent week, she had logged hundreds of miles in her Toyota hybrid minivan crisscrossing southern Wyoming visiting local gun shops and advocating for safe storage — where a customer can bring their guns in and store them temporarily in a safe, no questions asked.

"At an unannounced drop-in at Frontier Arms & Supply in Cheyenne, she explained to counter staff: "Maybe their teenager is in crisis or they themselves were just saying, 'Hey, I'm not in the right space to have my firearm at home with me right now. Can you hold that?'"

"She was pleased to learn that the shop was already offering this service and getting willing participants. SinClair lost her mother to suicide by firearm when she was a little girl. She says that for too long, suicide prevention and guns were completely siloed from one another in Wyoming."

It was amazing to read an NPR article discussing solutions that do not involve disarming law-abiding people.  It also refers to the project by the University of Wyoming's Firearms Research Center on trying to reduce gun suicides.

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