
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cardiac Progress

One of my health problems was that walking any distance (even a mile or more) in either cold weather (below 50) or hot (above 75) caused short-windedness.  Even after the recent stenting, it was only a little better.  The combination of cardiac rehab and clopidogrel means progress.  We just took the dogs to the nearby middle school (which is having a snow day) and walked them until they were tired (an unimaginable event for the younger one, Lillie) and even though it is in the teens, and walked at least a mile in the snow, I was never short-winded. I have 21 visits left to cardiac rehab and my confidence is that they may get me back to where I want to be without slicing me open.


  1. Holy Toledo. " walking any distance (even a mile or more) in either cold weather (below 50) or hot (above 75) caused short-windedness." With me, I'm short-winded going from the recliner to the ice box. You're fit as a fiddle.

    1. Start doing the recliner to mailbox run next. I hope you are exaggerating.
