
Friday, December 1, 2023

Who Else Received Funding?

11/16/23 Washington Free Beacon:
"California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) has awarded millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to mosques whose leaders have preached anti-Semitic hate and called for violence against Israel....
"Newsom, considered a future Democratic presidential contender, said last month he will double funding in his state for its nonprofit security program, citing the "unconscionable terrorist attacks in Israel." Funds will be awarded to both synagogues and mosques, Newsom’s office said."

Considering that many terrorist attacks have been against churches and church-affilistrd schools (the attack on that black church in South Carolina, churches in Sutherland Springs, White Settlement, Colorado Springs, the school in Nashville, the West Nickel Mines school in 2006) and other non-profits (the Family Research Council in 2013) I would love too see a list of beneficiaries.  I suspect if this list is narrowly focused on mosques, or even mosques and synagogues there is a First Amendment challenge available.

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