
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Major Victory (To Which I Contributed)

May v. Bonta (C.D.Cal. 2023).  Preliminary Injunction against enforcement of California's new sensitive places law that bans California concealed weapon licensees from carrying in most of the populated parts of the state.  Why did California pass SB2 to do this?  Bruen pretty well requires states to go shall issue.  California requires licensees to go through psychological testing, shooting testing, background checks and yet they still do not trust them.

California submitted 13 declarations by historians trying to justify bans on carry on parks, schools, libraries, places that serve alcohol, public transit, businesses open to the public unless they have posted a "guns welcome" sign,and a few others that I have forgotten, based on the standard laid down by Bruen.  I wrote rebuttals to all of them (some of which listed not a single pre-1791 law).  The preliminary Injunction did not find a single category persuasive.

Preliminary Injunctions theoretically can be overturned at trial but I am told this is rare.  This was a project of the California Rifle & Pistol Association among others.  If you have some money you want to go to a good cause give to them. They are putting up a good fight and I am doing my part.

This is not by St. Beneitz but Judge Cormac Carney.