
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Interesting Linux Discovery Over the Weekend

Yeah, I know, I am not the cool kid cause I use Windows 11 for almost everything.  But I do run the CNC version of Linux (based on what Linux?  I am not sure).  For some weeks now, it seemed as though my WiFi had stopped working.

The CNC machine is in the garage.  Range?  My cell phone can see it.  The icon shows bars but says that the servers cannot be reached.  I pulled the USB WiFi device, plugged it back in, rebooted, and in general took the obvious steps.

The other day, I tried Google and I received a date problem.  The PC thinks it is 2009, and Google disagreed.  After a few minutes reacquainting myself with the date command, everything runs again.

I had seen a message during boot about the system battery failed.  This is what keeps the system clock up to date when the machine is off.  At boot, the OS interrogates the system clock.  Linux and likely Windows then use NNTP (or NTP?  too long since I had to read RFCs for employment) to get a more accurate time to store in the system clock.  If that battery somewhere on the motherboard has failed the system clock defaults to its birthdate at the next boot.

Those of you who remember having to set the date and time each time you rebooted your PC appreciate this little complexity.

There is no urgency.  I do not reboot that PC very often.  I just need to pick a morning to find out where and what that battery is for this HP Optiplex and open it up.


  1. That computer's either an HP or an Optiplex, but not both. :)

    The standard CMOS battery for years has been a CR2032, but every once in a while you see an oddball. My last work desktop was an Optiplex from 2018 or so, and I just checked it and it uses that battery.

  2. NTP==Network Time Protocol, the thing used to synchronize clocks

    NNTP==Network News Transport Protocol. That thing that ran usenet

  3. I have A Dell Optiplex and the CR2032 battery is very obvious when you open the side.
