
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Another Victory

Wolford v. Lopez (D.Haw. 2023).  Hawaii tried to ban carry by licensees (of which there are currently a handful in the whole state) at beaches, parking lots shared with private businesses with government buildings, places that serve alcohol, banks, and any business that did not have an explicit welcome to licensees.  Judge Kobayashi issued a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction against enforcement on Second Amendment grounds.

Most of the historical evidence from my expert declaration made it in: no historical tradition of prohibiting firearms in parks before 1791; few regulations before 1868, and those were outliers; Hawai'i admitted in oral arguments that beaches and parks are similar; businesses open to the public have effectively given permission to well-behaved customers to enter.

8/9/23 Reuters reports the judge was an Obama appointment.

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