
Friday, June 9, 2023


I have been reading the published research (well some of it anyway) on the effects of antioxidants on heart disease.  I found a 1996 Lancet article about an RCT that found those with existing problems given a Vitamin E supplement had reduced non-fatal myocardial infarcts (heart attacks in layman's language).  Total fatalities were higher but not significantly.

On the other hand, other articles found that while there are sound reasons to suspect vitamin E should reduce atherosclerosis RCTs have failed to show consistent benefits.  

Another article indicated that while vitamin E in isolation seemed beneficial, in combination with statins, there was no benefit.  Statins seem to do a fine antioxidant job by themselves.  Vitamin E may just be wasted if you are taking statins.  They are also fat-soluble and there are toxicity issues in high doses.

There appear to be mutually beneficial relationships between E and C for antioxidant benefits.  I was taken off citrus to see if was aggravating my acid reflux but I think it is time for a citrus drink experiment to see if it is a problem.

Apples and tomatoes are both strong in bioflavonoids (another antioxidant and anti-inflammatory class).  I have been increasing my apple consumption for fiber anyway. 


  1. Tomatoes (and other nightshades) are strong triggers for GERD.

  2. There is little downside I can find to vitamin and oxidant supplementation (except vitamin k - avoid it if you are on blood thinners). Maybe it does some good, maybe it doesn't but it rarely causes problems and isn't terribly expensive.

    So why not?

    BTW the recommended daily levels are set to avoid 95% of the population showing frank symptoms of deficiency - they have nothing to do with what levels are 'optimum' for health.
