
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Questioning the Election Process is Paranoid

9/9/22 AP:
"ATLANTA (AP) — A group of computer and election security experts is urging Georgia election officials to replace the state’s touchscreen voting machines with hand-marked paper ballots ahead of the November midterm elections, citing what they say are “serious threats” posed by an apparent breach of voting equipment in one county.

"The 13 experts on Thursday sent a letter to the members of the State Election Board and to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who’s a non-voting member of the board. It urges them to immediately stop using the state’s Dominion Voting Systems touchscreen voting machines. It also suggests they mandate a particular type of post-election audit on the outcome of all races on the ballot."

Was there not some paranoid sore loser a couple years ago claiming Dominion Voting Systems were suspect?

1 comment:

  1. Here in Evanston IL, voting is by a touchscreen; the input is then printed as a paper ballot which is scanned and counted. As an election judge of about 40 years experience (off and on), I like this system. It provides paper ballots which form a permanent record that can be recounted. But it also has the convenience of touchscreen entry - and in my experience, a fair number of voters have real difficulty marking a paper ballot by hand. Overvotes, undervotes, and spurious marks are annoyingly common.
