
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Canadian Province Says No

 The Trudeau Administration is intent on an assault weapons ban, although I am not aware that Parliament passed such a law.  9/26/22 Countersignal:

The Government of Alberta has sent instructions to the RCMP K-Division, the arm of the federal police force with authority in Alberta, to ignore direct orders from the federal Trudeau Government.

In a bid for assistance with the firearm confiscation program, federal Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino issued a direct request for support from the Kenney government in Alberta.

“I am writing to seek your support in implementing the buyback program,” Mendicino pleaded in a secret letter to Alberta’s government. He added that his office would be working directly with policing authorities to successfully implement the “buyback program.”

To make a long story short, the Alberta government declined.

Alberta’s Minister of Justice, Tyler Shandro announced today in a press conference that he will obstruct the gun grab by any means necessary. His office, in a coordinated response to Trudeau, issued orders to the K-Division expressly directing them to ignore federal orders on the matter.

“Alberta is not legally obligated and will not offer any provincial resources to the Federal Government as it seeks to confiscate lawfully acquired firearms,” Tyler Shandro shot back at the federal government today [emphasis in original].

“The decision to ban over 1,500 models of different firearms, simply because the “style” of the firearm was deemed to be aesthetically displeasing, is offensive and suggests to us that you are uninterested in meaningfully addressing gun crime,” the response reads.

Anytime you want to change teams, Alberta, we would love to have another gun rights state. 

1 comment:

  1. SOMEONE in Canada HAS a pair, and isn't shy about it. Trudeau the blackfaced made a dictatorial command, and he heard back "I don't think so!" My hat is off to the Province Alberta!
