
Monday, September 5, 2022

Be Glad The Gun Banners Are As Competent at Passing Laws as They Are At Understanding Crime

 9/2/22 Los Angeles Times:

As the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority unleashes its extreme gun rights agenda on the nation, we had hoped we could count on California’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to stand as a bulwark protecting public safety in the Golden State.

Those hopes were dashed this week when lawmakers rejected a critical gun safety bill. Arrogance, ineptitude and divisions among Democratic members allowed the pro-gun ideology to win, leaving Californians vulnerable to having more armed people in our communities and creating the potential for more violence.

In the final moments of the legislative session that ended Wednesday night, moderate Democrats in the Assembly joined with Republicans to kill a bill to update the state’s rules for issuing concealed weapons permits to comport with the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. vs. Bruen.

Cry me a river.  They will still have laws more restrictive than most of America. 

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