
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

If You See Something, Say Something

 8/29/22 KTVZ:

On his Instagram page Sunday, Miller posted a link to a now-deleted blog of sorts, which detailed his plan to take his own life and perform some type of mass shooting.

The post dates start on June 29, with a plan to shoot up Mountain View on the first day back to school, Sept. 8.

Sheila Miller, public information officer with Bend PD, addressed the posts in a news conference Monday. 

"We are aware that the shooter may have posted information online regarding his plan,” Miller said. “We're investigating this. We have no previous threats or prior knowledge of the shooter. We received information about the shooter's writings after the incident had taken place."

He detailed his purchase of the AR-15 type rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and preparation of Molotov cocktails, all of which were found at the scene or in Miller's car.

He also expressed his issues with work, society, rage, loneliness and love.

A Saturday post states: “I'm done waiting, I can't wait any longer.”

If you see stuff like this on social media, call the police.  A mental hospital visit for someone this upset is better than murder/suicide.  Even someone willing to listen while he expressed his frustrations might have helped.

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