
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

At Least He No Longer Thinks We Need Cannon

 8/30/22 The Blaze:

President Joe Biden taunted "brave right-wing" Americans who say guns are needed to defy government overreach during a speech in Pennsylvania.

Biden was at a campaign stop on his "Safer America" tour when he made the comments.

"For those brave right-wing Americans who say it's all about keeping America, keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun," said Biden.

"No, I'm not joking, think about this, think about the rationale we use, that's used," he added.
Also the rationale used by the author of the Bill of Rights in Federalist 46. This was the best the Democratic Party could find?  Do they really have no idea from where the popular unrest comes?  It is not from watching CNN.

Cooler heads are on our side:

"Pure provocation. We don’t need or want violence, we are going to defeat this regime at the ballot box, this is what they fear the most, that’s why are they are trying to provoke us. Don’t take the bait, engage at every level of the political process !" tweeted congressional candidate Joe Kent.

"Did the sitting President of the United States just say that he's willing to turn the military on citizens?" read another response.

Others pointed out the irony of Biden saying more than guns are needed to fight the U.S. government on the one-year anniversary of his order to pull the U.S. military out of Afghanistan.

Biden made similar comments in June 2021, but added that Americans would need "maybe some nuclear weapons" to fight against the U.S. government.

Do not allow this clueless idiot provoke civil war.  They need to draw first blood. 

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